Software Specification
Software Specification
The IIT Bombay Affordable Laptop Debian Linux OS distribution comes with the following software pre-installed.
The software distribution will come with more than 100 useful open source software packages, such as C, C++, Java, Python, iPython, PERL, Ruby, PHP, Freemind, GeoGebra and Jmol.
- abootimg
- ace-of- penguins
- arduino
- audacious
- Audacity
- bc
- blender
- Bluefish
- byobu
- celestia
- chromium
- codeblocks
- cython
- default-jdk
- dmz-cursor- theme
- eclipse
- emacs
- eSim
- etoys
- expeyes
- fbreader
- filezilla
- firefox
- Florence
- freeplane
- g++
- gcc
- gchempaint
- gdb
- gdebi
- geany
- gedit
- geogebra
- gimp
- git
- gitk
- glade
- gnome-screensaver
- gnome-terminal
- gnome-time-admin
- gnuplot
- gparted
- guake
- hexchat
- lightdm-gtk-greeter
- imagemagick
- Info-beamer
- inkscape
- ipython
- jmol
- kazam
- kicad
- kmplot
- kturtle
- libnotify-bin
- libreofficel
- lshw
- lsof
- marble
- Maxima
- mayavi2
- meld
- mercurial
- microhope
- midori
- mosh
- motion
- mplayer
- mtd-utils
- myspell-en-us
- nano
- ngspice
- nmap
- notify-osd
- octave
- Openmodelica
- pencil
- pidgin
- pm-utils
- Python-matplotlib
- python-mpi4py
- python-nose
- python-notebook
- python-pandas
- python-pip
- Python-pyqtgraph
- python-sympy
- python-visual
- r-base
- r-cran-rcmdr
- r-mathlib
- rsync
- scilab
- scratch
- scribus
- shutter
- Smplayer
- spyder
- step
- synfigstudio
- texlive-base
- texworks
- thunderbird
- tuxmath
- tuxpaint
- uuid
- vim
- vim-gnome
- vlc
- volti
- xboard
- xfig
- xournal
- xsane
- Zim
- RStudio
- OpenFOAM
- freecad
- Net-tools
Total space : 27GB
After installed the above software : 22GB